Topic refections

Introduction to science and technology 
We learnt about the positive and negative impacts of modern technologies. I feel that as  time passes, we have to create more and more technologies to cater to the needs of human. But few actually stop to think about the consequences of their actions before creating what supposedly is a new and great type of technology. Unless humans stop having higher expectations of the modern technology, there is no choice but to continue.
Positive impacts made by science and technologies includes the discoveries of cures and medicine to previously terminal diseases, and technology to save electricity etc. Negative impact includes the invention nuclear weapons that can be used to kill millions and not to mention the impact on the environment, such as the global warming issue and pollution of the environment.

Attitudes that scientists should adopt when at work
In this topic, I have learnt that one of the attitudes that all scientists is to be able to accept the ideas of others. I feel that this is indeed a very important attitude to have. Not all of our ideas are perfect, without a single flaw. It is often when we build on others' ideas that we form an even better idea and that we can realise the mistakes in our current idea, similarly, when doing school work, one should always be open to the opinions of others and learn from others as well, no matter how good you think you are. Whereas, people who do not heed others advice or ideas will just be restrained to their own thinking thus become in-creative. This can also improve our sociality skills so that we can communicate better with others. I also feel that as a scientist, we should be curious to the things happening around us, only through this method that we can notice problems in the society and invent new things to help with this problem. A scientist should also be persistent and not give up easily, take Thomas Edison, he was the one who said "Success is 10% inspiration and 99% perspiration" and he came up with this quote after failing to create the light 1000 times and being able to create it after many tries, despite all his failures, he still remained positive and did not give up, if not for is persistence, we would even have a chance to be standing in bright light right now. His behaviour is very admirable and worthy of emulation.

Drawing the different apparatus in its outline proportion. 
I disliked this topic as it involved the process of drawing the apparatus very accurately, even one line out of place or not straight can cause one to lose marks, however, I believe that this is in fact an easy topic and all I need is practice.

Laboratory rules and Hazard symbols
Various hazard symbols and what they mean.
This topic was about learning the safety hazards and dangers one can face while in the science laboratory, this is important as a misunderstanding of a symbol could even cost a life. We also learnt about the safety precautions that had to be taken while carrying out experiments, for example, when heating a liquid in a test tube, the liquid in the test tube should not be more than 1/3 of the test tube, it should be slanting about 45 degrees and the mouth of the test tube should never be pointing at anyone or the liquid might spill out during the boiling process and scald someone. 

Graphing Skills
This skill I picked up would be useful to me in many ways, including projects, one would be able to use such a graph to consolidate the data in a survey, which is a common thing to be used in HCI considering the great amount of projects.

This topic was initially taught as an online lesso during the March holidays, it was a very confusing one and I felt that science and turned into maths while learning this topic, I was still unclear of the concepts in this topic at first, but fortunately, my teacher was there to guide me. 

Three states of matter
This topic was more complicated that what I had expected it to be beforehand, instead of the standard "solid, liquid and gas" concept I had learnt in Primary School, the topic expanded to the Kinetic Model of Matter and Brownian motion, we also had to memorise how to explain the properties of the 3 states of matter and the change of state in terms of particles. 

Elements, compounds and mixtures
It was indeed a relief for me when I learnt that at my level, I would not have to memorise all the symbols on the Periodic table but only the basic elements and their functions, I also had to learn the difference between compounds and mixtures, this topic was an interesting one as after learning this topic, I started to wonder the what were the daily objects around me made up of, and whether they were compounds or mixtures.

Solutions and Suspensions
In this topic, I learnt about the difference between solutions and suspensions, after learning this topic, I understood why some paint would be left undissolved after mixing it with a little bit of water, I have seen this occurring to my father when he paints the walls of the house and have often wondered why. Now I know that it is due to the solubility of the paint and what is formed is actually a suspension. 

Separation Techniques
This topic was learnt during Home-based learning, this was a very complicated topic, probably the hardest of all taught in the term, we had to memorise all the separation techniques and their functions, this was a chore to me due to my bad memory. This topic was also closely related to the topic on solutions and suspensions and as I did not fully understand the concepts of that topic before going to this topic, I was greatly confused. Fortunately, my peers and teacher were there to help, the teacher also went through the topic again as many of my classmates were also confused about it.

We have now moved on to the topic on biology, personally, I feel that physics and chemistry are much easier than biology as in biology, one cannot perform simple experiments at home to understand the topic better, most of the equipment, such as microscopes are expensive, whereas in physics and chemistry, one can just grab water and a bowl to do an experiment. This topic was basically a more in-depth study of animal cells and their plant cells, and the functions of their different parts. Through this topic, I also learnt that the are many answering techniques which could be used in Primary School are not applicable to Secondary School as they are not detailed enough, I lost many marks in the practice worksheet because of this.

This topic was fairly easy, as it was similar to that in Primary School, the only new things taught was the presence of enzymes in digestion and other parts of the alimentary canal(previously known as digestive system to me) such as the liver and gall bladder. 

Respiration and Photosynthesis
This topic was also similar to that learnt in Primary School, the difference was that we now had to understand specifically the different parts of the respiratory system and their functions, we also had to learn the difference between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. While photosynthesis was pretty much the same as the concepts taught in Primary School. Our teacher showed us a song which depicts the concepts of photosynthesis in a fun and interesting way which I felt that it was useful in remembering the concepts of photosynthesis.

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