Practicals Reflections

1P1:Getting to know the Science Laboratory (17/1/12)
Interesting lesson where the class got to know the equipment of the science laboratory better, little disappointed that we did not get a chance to try them out though!

P2:Hot Stuff with Flames (31/1/12)
Learning more about the Bunsen Burner- about the air holes and the different parts of the Bunsen Burner. This was also interesting as we got to work with fire, and we could try burning different objects using luminous and non-luminous flames after finishing the practical.

1P3:Observing and recording part 1 (7/2/12)
We did an experiment on sodium bicarbonate and vinegar, as the name suggests, the main purpose of this practical was not to acquire any science concepts, but to train our observing skills 
Procedure of the experiment:

  1. Pour vinegar into clean test to a depth of about 1cm
  2. Quarter fill 2 clean test tubes with water. Add a spatula full of sodium carbonate to 1 of the test tube.
  3. Shake the tube until the sodium dissolves.
  4. Add a dry spatula full of copper sulfate to the other test tube and shake it until the crystals dissolve.
  5. Pour the contents of the second test into the first.
  6. Use an eye dropper to place 1 drop the methylated spirits onto the back of your hands and blow it gently.
  7. Quarter fill a very small beaker with limewater. Gently blow out through a drinking straw into the limewater.
  8. Place a few drops pf starch suspension on a clean test tube. Add a drop of iodine solution.

1P4:Observing and recording part 2 (14/2/12)
We did an experiment on heating water with a beaker, and it was also to train our observing skills, this experiment was a little more interesting as we got to work with fire again.


  1. Add 100ml of water without splashing
  2. Measure the temperature of water before the experiment
  3. Light the Bunsen Burner and adjust it to produce a blue flame
  4. Place it under the beaker and start timing, record the readings of the temperature of water every 1minute for 10 minutes

Learned more about drawing a graph.

1P5:Pendulum Predictions (21/2/12)
Learn about the accuracy and precautions to take when doing an experiment. This experiment was a little challenging as the results had to be absolutely accurate and my partner and I realised that our answers were totally different from the rest of the class after we completed the experiment!

  1. Adjust the length of the pendulum to 15.0cm
  2.  Give the pendulum bob a small displacement and set it into oscillation.
  3. Count the number of complete oscillation in a 30 second interval
  4. Record the number of full swings in columns
  5. Repeat procedure for 25.0, 35.0, 45.0 cm

1P6: Measurements of Length (28/2/12)

In this practical, we got to try out various types of measuring apparatus, I was quite fascinated as I did not know that lengths and diameters of objects could be measuring with such accuracy with the proper apparatus.

1P7: Determining Density
Quite a confusing practical about conversion of units as we had to apply alot of our maths concepts here to do the practical
1P8: Brownian Motion
Learning more about the movement of the particles and how the Brownian motion was discovered and how it came about. We also watched a video on Brownian Motion
1P9: Elements, Compounds, Mixture
We learnt about the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures and tried to separate them , the concepts on compounds and mixtures and separation techniques were both applied here.
  1. Place sulphur powder on a piece of filter paper.
  2. Wrap 1 end of the magnet with a small paper. Move the magnet close to the sulfer powder. Record observations.
  3. Place the iron fillings in an evaporating dish. Describe its appearance.
  4. Move the magnet close to the iron fillings. Record Observations
  5. Pour the sulphur powder into the evaporating dish of the iron fillings. Mix thoroughly with the iron fillings using a glass rod. Describe the appearance of the mixture
  6. Move the magnet close to the mixture. Record your observation.
  7. Heat the evaporating dish over the Bunsen flame until no more changes occur. Allow the evaporating dish to cool.
  8. Move the magnet close to the compound, record your observation.

1P10: Forming Compounds
For this experiment, our teacher showed us how we should do it but we were not allowed to do it both due to the lack of time and how dangerous was the experiment. The practical was about burning a magnesium ribbon with a flame, the end product would be a compound.
1P11: Which can dissolve more?
We learnt about the factors that can affect the solubility of different solutes.

1P12: A separation Problem
We learnt how to separate different objects with different kind of separation techniques, I liked this topic as we got to try many hands-on activities.

1P13- Who wrote the secret message?
We learnt about paper chromatography which is useful in forensics. We were suppose to identify which suspect wrote the secret message in the given scenario by separating inks from a marker ink, the experiment went quite well for my partner and I.
1P14- Inside of cells
In this experiment, we manage to have contact with our school's microscope. We studied the contents that were inside the cell and learnt more about the parts of the microscope and understood better as we were in contact with them instead of reading and seeing them in books or worksheets.

1P15- Bouncy Raw egg with moving waters
This experiment is rather interesting as we get a chance to see an egg without its shell but not cracked. The experiment failed for my partner and I as our egg cracked by accident towards the end of the experiment.

1P16- Potato Bloating???
Experience seeing a potato harden and learnt about osmosis in living things

1P17- Extracting Chlorophyll
Experiment on how to remove chlorophyll and observing.
Procedures on how to check the presence of chlorophyll in a leaf.
1) Place a plant in darkness for a few days, to ensure that the plant has used up all its stored food before the experiment
2) Expose the plant to sunlight for a few hours
3)Pluck a leaf from the plant
4)Put the leaf in boiling water to kill it
5)Place the leaf in alcohol to decolourise it and extract chlorophyll
6)Place the leaf in boiling water again to soften it
7)Add a few drops of iodine solution to the leaf.
1P18- Artificial Small intestine
Using a Visking tubing to create a "small intestine"

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