Term 1

In this term, I learnt about the very basics of Lower Secondary Science, in this term, we learnt about hazard symbols that needed to be taken note of when in the science laboratory, the scientific method in which scientists use when carrying out their investigations, various laboratory equipments and their functions, different instruments for measurements such as the metre rule, measuring tape, vernier calipers, and the micrometer screw gauge and how to use them.I felt particularly interested in the micrometer screw gauge as it was able to measure lengths up to an accuracy of 0.001mm! This was quite remarkable and I was quite curious about it.
 The topics in taught in this term were fairly easy as it was the very basics and it was very closely related to maths. Such as the drawing of graphs, it seemed simple but it was actually quite difficult to me, this was because I had trouble keeping the ruler straight. We learnt to draw straight line graphs and graphs with smooths curves at turning points in the graph. We also had to learn how to label the y and x axis.

However, the difficult part was the drawing of the apparatus, many points had to be taken note of, such as the proportionality of the drawings. I lost quite a few marks in the term 1 class test because of this because I am not one who likes to draw. As a result, I achieved an A2 for my term 1 test, and I personally feel that my marks were not satisfactory and I felt that I could have done better. Looking through my paper, I realised that my open-ended answers were not specific enough and some of my concepts were totally wrong altogether. This term was a rather relaxing one as we did many experiments and the topic was fairly easy, as mentioned before. Many careless mistakes were made in the test, this was what caused me to lose marks despite the fact that I had studied.

In this term, I was particularly interested in the experiments, which the class had to do on the measuring of length using vernier calipers and micrometers, many experiments were also done as we tried out the various science laboratory apparatus. What I found challenging in these experiments were the accuracy of the results, especially the measurements, which I found out later that my problem was that I did not take into consideration parallax error. I also feel that I was over-confident in this term as I had assumed that the test would be easy.

From what I have learnt, parallax error is basically and error in reading an instrument employing a scale and pointer because the observer's eye and pointer are not in a line perpendicular to the plane of the scale. 

My favourite experiment in the syllabus was the experiment with the Bunsen Burner, in the experiment, we learnt about the 2 types of flames and how do they affect burning. We also learnt about the various  parts of the Bunsen Burner and the parts of a flame in the Burner.

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