Term 2

In this term, I learnt about the calculations of density, brownian motion and the kinetic particle theory under the topic on diversity and solutions and suspensions, separation techniques, and elements under interactions. In the topic of density, we learnt about the formula for calculating density and the topic was greatly related to maths. In the kinetic particle theory and brownian motion, we learnt how to describe the 3 states of matter and explain their inter-conversion in terms of the kinetic particle theory, prove that the Brownian motion provides evidence for the kinetic molecular model of matter, explain everyday effects of diffusion in terms of particles such as the spread of perfumes and tea or coffee particles in water, describe qualitatively the molecular structure of solids, liquids, and gases, relating their properties to the forces and distances between molecules and to the motion of the molecules, we also learnt to understand general interpretations of graphs of change of states. In the topic of elements, we had to understand how to read the periodic table, memorise a few of the elements and their symbol,in the topic on solutions and suspensions, we learnt how to distinguish among solute, solvent and solution, deduce the nature of solutions and suspensions by simple laboratory tests, investigate the factor that affect the solubility and rate of dissolving of substances, understand the importance of these factors in homes and industries, and how to interpret solubility graphs and draw suitable conclusions in it. In separation techniques, we learnt to explain how the various separation techniques are used to separate constituents based no the properties of the constituents, and how to describe the various types of separation techniques and their process of separating the constituents.

I felt that the topics learnt in this term were quite challenging as there were many concepts, especially about those in density and separation techniques I were unclear of. Fortunately, under the guidance of my peers and teacher, I managed to overcome these challenges and was clear of the concepts before the science test. I also realised that this term's topics such as the calculation of density, and conversion of units, were also greatly related to maths, therefore, I could ask my maths tuition teacher to help me in these concepts. In the term 2 test, I got an A2 once again, however, I was quite pleased with my results and achieved 3rd in class, furthermore, the topics tested were much more challenging when compare to that in term 1. The main problem in this term's test was the conversion of units, which I lost many marks in, I also lost marks in the graph drawing section, where the line which I drew was not straight. Furthermore, I also did not revise for elements, compounds and mixtures, which caused me to lose many marks in the critical thinking question. I felt that this paper was a challenging one as there were many concepts which I was unclear of in the term. I will try to work harder in the future.
The topic which had interested me the most was the separation techniques, we got to try out using a magnet to separate different objects and also got to try using chromatography to separate substances.

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